
District Rural Development Agencies (DRDA)

Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin

The Cabinet in its decision on 23rd March, 2016 has approved the proposal for ‘Revamping of Indira Awaas Yojana’ into ‘ Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin’ to realize the government vision of providing ‘Housing for all by 2022’. Followings are the salient features of the revamped scheme

Key Features

  • The minimum unit (house) size enhanced from the existing 20 to 25 including a dedicated area for hygienic cooking.
  • Enhancement of unit assistance from Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 1.38 lakh (Rs. 0.18 will be met by State Govt.)
  • The cost of unit (house) assistance is to be shared between central and state governments in the ratio 60:40 in plain areas.
  • Provision of toilets at Rs. 12000/- and 90/95 days of unskilled wage labour under MGNREGA over and above the unit cost.
  • Identification of beneficiaries using SECC-2011 data. The identification and selection of the beneficiaries shall be done by the community through the Gram Sabha, from the SECC 2011 list, based on the housing deficiency and other social deprivation parameters.

Parameters for exclusion

A household fulfilling any of the 13 parameters listed below will be automatically excluded:

  1. Motorized 2/3/4 wheeler/fishing boat
  2. Mechanized 3-4 wheeler agricultural equipment
  3. Kisan credit card with credit limit of over Rs. 50,000/-
  4. Household member government employee
  5. Households with non-agricultural enterprises registered with government
  6. Any member of household earning more than Rs. 10,000 per month
  7. Paying income tax
  8. Paying professional tax
  9. 3 or more rooms with pucca walls and roof
  10. Owns a refrigerator
  11. Owns landline phon
  12. Owns more than 2.5 acres of irrigated land with 1 irrigation equipment
  13. 5 acres or more of irrigated land for two or more crop season
  14. Owning at least 7.5 acres of land or more with at least one irrigation equipment

Criteria for automatic inclusion

  1. Households without shelter
  2. Destitute, living on alms.
  3. Manual scavenger families.
  4. Primitive tribal groups.
  5. Legally releas>d bonded labour.

Procedure to present and process SECC data for Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin in the Gram Sabha

  1. Exclusion of pucca houses- All households living in houses with pucca roof and/or pucca wall are filtered out.
  2. Automatic Exclusion- From the remaining set of households; all households fulfilling any one of the 13 parameters listed in the Annexure call excluded.
  3. All houses less households and households living in zero/one/two room houses with kutcha roof and kutcha walls, subject to the exclusion process, will form the universe of eligible beneficiaries. Separate list of eligible households for SC, ST, Minority and Others will be prepared at the Gram Panchayat (GP) level. If household</ falthin both ST and minority category they will be counted as ST.

Preparing priority lists

The GP and category wise list off eligible households will be prioritized bases on the following deprivations

Category Detail
D1 Households with one or less room, kuccha walls and kuccha roof
D2 No adult member in household between age 18 and 59
D3 Female headed household with no adult male member between 16 and 59
D4 Households with differently able member with no other able bodied adult member
D5 SC/ST Households
D6 Households with no literate adult above age 25 years
D7 Landless households deriving a major part of their income from manual labour
  1. Housing deprivation- households will be first prioritized based on houselessness followed by the number of rooms; zero, one and two rooms, in that order. Within the groups, households that fulfil the criteria of automatic inclusion will be further prioritized.
  2. Socio economic deprivation-inter se priority within the two sub groups viz households which are automatically included and otherwise, will be determined bases on their cumulative deprivation score calculated from the parameters given below with each having equal weight.
    • Households with no adult member between age 16 to 59
    • Female headed households with no adult male member between age 16 to 59
    • Households with no literate adult above 25 years
    • Households with any disabled member and not able bodies adult member.
    • Landless Households deriving the major part of their income from manual casual labour. Higher the deprivation score, higher will be the ranking of the household.

This system generated category wise ranked priority list will be circulated to the concerned Gram Panchayat and given wide publicity. The list will also be made available in the scheme MIS.

Verification of priority lists

One the system generated list is made available, the Gram Sabha will verify the facts based on which the selection has been done. If the selection has been done based on wrong facts, if the persons has constructed a pucca house since the survey or has been allotted a house under any government scheme, Gram Sabha shall delete the name of such families. The list of such persons deleted including reasons for deletion will form part of the minutes.

At present there is no provision to add names to the list. However the Gram Sabha may record its opinion about names to be added to the list and forward the same along with resolutions to the BDO.

Members Of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS)


The general public approach Members of Parliament (MPs) for provision of certain basic facilities to meet the felt needs of the people.

On 23rd December, 1993 Prime Minister had announced the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) in the Parliament. Initially the MPLADS was under the control of the Ministry of Rural Development.The objective of the scheme is to enable MPs to recommend works of developmental nature with emphasis on the creation of durable community assets based on the locally felt needs to be taken up in their Constituencies.In 1993-94, when the scheme was launched, an amount of Rs. 5 lakh per Member of Parliament was allotted which became Rupees one crore per annum per MP Constituency from 1994-95. This was stepped up to Rs. 2 crore from 1998-99 and now it is Rs. 5 crore from the financial year 2011-12


Lok Sabha Members can recommend works within their Constituencies and Elected Members of Rajya Sabha can recommend works within the State of Election except. Nominated Members of both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha can recommend works anywhere in the country.All works to meet locally felt infrastructure and development needs, with an emphasis on creation of durable assets in the constituency are permissible under MPLADS except those prohibited in Annexure-II. Expenditure on specified items of non durable nature are also permitted as per list in the Annexure-IIA.

Development of Areas in habited by Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe

MPs are to recommend every year, works costing at least 15 per cent of the MPLADS entitlement for the year for areas inhabited by Scheduled Caste population and 7.5 per cent for areas inhabited by S.T. population.

Natural & Man-made Calamities

MPLADS works can also be implemented in the areas prone to or affected by the calamities like floods, cyclone, Tsunami, Earthquake, hailstorm, avalanche, cloud burst, pest attack, landslides, tornado, drought, fire, chemical, biological and radiological hazards. Lok Sabha MPs from the non-affected areas of the state can also recommend permissible works up to a maximum of Rs. 25 lakh per annum in the affected areas in that State.

District Authority

District Collector/District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner will generally be the District Authority to implement MPLADS in the district. In case of Municipal Corporation, the Commissioner/Chief Executive Officer may function as the District Authority.

Implementing Agency

  • The District Authority shall make the selection of an appropriate Implementing Agency through which a particular work recommended by an MP would be executed;
  • The selection of the Implementing Agency shall be undertaken in accordance with the State Government rules/guidelines applicable for the purpose. Provided that for certain works in certain Central Government Ministries/Organizations (Like Railways) where the Implementing Agency has necessarily to be the concerned Central Government Ministry/Organization, the same shall be selected as the Implementing Agency.

List of works under the Scheme

Drinking Water Facility, Education, Electricity Facility, Health and Family Welfare, Irrigation Facilities, Non-conventional Energy Sources, Railways, Roads, Pathways and Bridges, Sanitation and Public Health, Sports, Works relating to Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries, Const. of Toilets in schools, Provision of Solar Lights, Ambulances to transport animals/Hearse Vans, Facilitation Centre, Purchase of computers, Manual/Battery Operated/Motorized for welfare of the differently abled persons, Works relating to Agriculture & Works relating to cluster Development for Handloom Weavers etc. each MPs can recommend the funds.

Fund Release And Management

The annual entitlement of Rs. 5 Crore shall be released, in two equal installments of Rs. 2.5 crore each, by Government of India directly to the District Authority of the Nodal District of the Member of Parliament concerned.
Completion of works/settling of accounts: The work of MPLADS shall be completed within 18 months from the date of demitting office in case of Rajya Sabha MPs or dissolution of the Lok Sabha